I've often said jokingly that Black History Month should more accurately be called "white people and America suck" month. Rather than focusing on all of black history, every February the liberal media and most democrats gleefully bring up all of America's past sins. Fine. I mean after all, it is a part of history. But what is so wrong is these race exploiters imply that current race relations in America have not come very far from the days of blacks being lynched. Thus, Black History Month in reality is the liberal democrat's annual fund raiser and promo campaign for more entitlement programs.
American blacks have achieved amazing things under extraordinary circumstances; most of which could not havehappened without the assistance of good decent God fearing whites. But we never hear about these white "good guys".
At age 12, George Washington Carver witnessed the hanging and burning of a fellow black male by the KKK. Carver never forgot it. As a young man, a white family saw Carver's potential and encouraged him to apply to attend a white college. In 1890 Carver was accepted at Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. Due to Carver's character and brilliance in art, music and science, he won the respect of the