"Today the Press Telegram reported that Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) may lay off 750 employees at the end of the school year. LBUSD, and other district's around the state are dealing with the shortfall of school funding from the state. The district plans to look at the possibility of laying off teachers (470 at the elementary level), counselors, social workers, and administrators. This is in part due to the school board's decision to cut $38 million from next year's budget, which would also affect class size. Under the proposed cuts - class sizes in kindergarten through third grades will increase from 20 students per teacher to 30 students per teacher next school year. And with larger class sizes, fewer teachers will be needed.
Parent's concerns
Parents are concerned that with larger class sizes teachers will have fewer opportunities to spend one-on-one time with pupils. And with larger class sizes students may not receive adequate and"