Blogs: Is STEM Funding Militaristic?
Obama's $250 million for math/science Mike Klonsky
Whenever we are at war school funding shifts from humanities to math/science and from small to large schools. This shift has less to do with pedagogy than it does with production.
Whenever we are at war school funding shifts from humanities to math/science and from small to large schools. This shift has less to do with pedagogy than it does with production.
Earmark Transparency Yglesias
Something that’s long puzzled me is the idea that bringing more transparency to the earmark process would reduce earmarking.

Adventures in Pencil Integration Robert Pondiscio
An entertaining and well-written new blog is setting tongues wagging in the small corner of the Twittersphere that I inhabit.
Something that’s long puzzled me is the idea that bringing more transparency to the earmark process would reduce earmarking.
Adventures in Pencil Integration Robert Pondiscio
An entertaining and well-written new blog is setting tongues wagging in the small corner of the Twittersphere that I inhabit.
Studies Find No Effects Education Next Blog
Education Next’s Paul Peterson and Chester E. Finn, Jr. talk about whether randomized field trials in education should be abandoned, since they so rarely find that the treatments have any effects.
Education Next’s Paul Peterson and Chester E. Finn, Jr. talk about whether randomized field trials in education should be abandoned, since they so rarely find that the treatments have any effects.
Drugging Kids John Merrow