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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sacramento Press / Volunteers Celebrate the Life of Dr. King

Sacramento Press / Volunteers Celebrate the Life of Dr. King:

"“Life’s most persistent question,” Dr. King once asked, “is what are you doing for others?' This Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend, American Red Cross and HOPE worldwide volunteers distributed vital fire safety information to help Sacramento residents prevent home fires, protect their loved ones and strengthen their community."

“President Obama has called on each of us to volunteer in our communities on Monday, January 18 to usher in a new spirit of service,” says American Red Cross President and CEO Gail McGovern.  “Join the American Red Cross and to learn how to save a life by participating in a CPR training, protect a life by distributing prevention and safety materials in your community or give the gift of life by donating blood.”

Home fires are Sacramento’s most prevalent disaster threat, and unlike other disasters, most home fires can be prevented. The Red Cross is committed to helping people understand how they can prevent home fires and protect themselves should they experience a fire. In the last year alone, the Sacramento Sierra Chapter responded to more than 240 fires, providing emergency shelter, food, comfort items, mental health counseling and emotional support.