DC Schools Chancellor Comes Under Fire

The Washington Teachers Union is outraged by soon-to-be published comments by DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee. In the February issues of the business magazine "Fast Company", Rhee says some of the 266 teachers she laid off last October had had sex with students, had hit students and had missed 78 days of school.
Many of those employees let go in a mass reduction in force are still looking for work. Washington Teachers Union President George Parker tells FOX-5, Rhee has done reckless damage to the reputation of innocent teachers. He wants an investigation and says the union is looking at legal options. Union Vice President Nathan Saunders says Rhee should have reported such abuse to the police, as required under federal and state law. He says she could face criminal charges.
A spokesman for the US Attorney's office says the matter was never referred to them for prosecution.
The office of DC Police Chief Cathy Lanier says they are researching the accusations and cannot comment at this time.