Latest News and Comment from Education

Friday, January 8, 2010

Minority groups want more input on school books | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Minority groups want more input on school books | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle:

"AUSTIN — Minority advocacy groups urged their members to attend a State Board of Education public hearing next week to appeal for more Hispanic and African-American historical figures in public school textbooks.

Registration to give public testimony starts today for Wednesday's hearing at the William B. Travis Building, where the Texas Education Agency is located.

The 15-member board planned to take a preliminary vote later in the week before final action in March on new standards for the social studies curriculum, which will influence how history and government books are written for the state's 4.7 million public school children.

Hispanic school children already make up a small majority in early elementary grades, and they will soon will be the majority in the entire public school system."