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Saturday, January 30, 2010

CrisisMaven’s Economics Study Guide � CrisisMaven's Blog

CrisisMaven’s Economics Study Guide � CrisisMaven's Blog: "This blog has two main purposes:

It is meant to comment upon and elucidate matters of economic inquiry and economic policy, and it acts as a systematic study guide in economics meant to complement more traditional teaching approaches.

What CrisisMaven believes sets this collection of articles and overviews apart is that each single post or article attempts to look at a certain well-circumscribed subject within the vast field of economics for once through the collecting lens of some current event, as CrisisMaven believes it is only then that one’s mind will be receptive and interested in such subject, as well as each post tries to analyse the matter at hand in enough depth so that a reader, when finished, may with some confidence claim to have understood it thoroughly enough to follow any spirited discussion, be it with academics, researchers, practitioners in the field or other interested laymen (and women)."