Latest News and Comment from Education

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mitchell Colbert: Disruptive student protestors negate legitimate efforts to change the system - Santa Cruz Sentinel

Mitchell Colbert: Disruptive student protestors negate legitimate efforts to change the system - Santa Cruz Sentinel:

"Dear UC/CSU radicals, please stop your radical action immediately. Your protest methods waste our tax dollars and are counterproductive; you have only created negative press.

Every police officer and firefighter called in is tax money wasted, instead of money that can be spent on teachers and student services. It is naive to believe that this money will come from anywhere but the coffers of the California State University and University of California systems."

Like the small minority of Muslims who engage in terrorism and ruin things for the vast majority of practitioners, your actions border on terror and risk losing the entire fight for higher education. What right do you have to risk the future of millions?

I am a CSU student, but I attended the UC Santa Cruz campus shutdown on Nov. 18 as an act of solidarity with the UC students. I feel that we must unite because this fight is bigger than all of our individual battles.