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Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - A Leading Global News Source - In the push for gender equity, turnabout is not fair play - A Leading Global News Source - In the push for gender equity, turnabout is not fair play:

"So, ladies, it appears that big boulder we've pushed uphill is rolling back down after all.

After decades of grinding it out in classrooms, working to get into college and expand our universe of career choices beyond teacher, nurse, secretary or well-educated wife, we've apparently done too well.

For the past few years, college admissions offices have been seeing far fewer Y chromosomes, and they've been flummoxed about how to the treat the new male minority.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has launched an investigation to determine whether universities have met this quandary by discriminating against qualified young women and lowering admissions standards for less-qualified male applicants.

All of this all sounds outrageous -- skewing admissions practices to create some kind of artificial, boy-girl-boy-girl hoedown formation on campuses and the idea that women are seen as a majority that needs its leash yanked before we take over."