Latest News and Comment from Education

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 This Just In... This Just In...:

Bright and Early

I'm lamenting the fact that every week isn't the anniversary of a treasured childhood show like Sesame Street. It really cuts down on my chances to incorporate YouTube into Bright and Early. Or does it?

Now for your newsblitz:
We blog that an internal team at San Diego Unified is recommending a slew of cuts, including closing departments for community relations, curriculum, gifted and talented education and race relations. They also want to end testing other than the tests required under No Child Left Behind. Parents of gifted students are already up in arms about the idea.

A teacher at the San Diego High School of International Studies won $25,000 from a foundation in what has been dubbed "the Oscars of Teaching." Here's the deets from the Union-Tribune and KPBS.

KPBS also reports that students at San Diego State staged their second rally in two weeks. They're protesting fees and cutbacks at the college.

Parents in Vista aren't happy about the idea of merging an elementary and a middle school to save money. One sign held by an Olive Elementary parent read "Olive = good; merge=bad."