Viewpoints; Supply, demand, quality: Crisis in teaching - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial Sacramento Bee:
"If confidence in public schools weren't already precarious enough, it was further shaken by remarks made by U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan in a speech delivered at Columbia's Teachers College on Oct. 22.
Duncan urged an overhaul of schools of education, calling them cash cows that do a mediocre job of preparing their graduates for the demands of the classroom. His charges made headlines, but they were not new. They echoed many of the points made by Arthur Levine, former president of Teachers College, in 'Educating School Teachers in 2006,' and by David F. Labaree in 'The Trouble With Ed Schools' in 2004."
"If confidence in public schools weren't already precarious enough, it was further shaken by remarks made by U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan in a speech delivered at Columbia's Teachers College on Oct. 22.
Duncan urged an overhaul of schools of education, calling them cash cows that do a mediocre job of preparing their graduates for the demands of the classroom. His charges made headlines, but they were not new. They echoed many of the points made by Arthur Levine, former president of Teachers College, in 'Educating School Teachers in 2006,' and by David F. Labaree in 'The Trouble With Ed Schools' in 2004."