California's folly - Prop. 13:
"In November 1978, Harper's magazine published my article on the passage of Proposition 13 under the headline 'Californians Rush for Fool's Gold.'"
At that time, Prop. 13 was getting lots of national media attention. The pundits of type and tube were hyping California as the pacesetter for a post-Watergate America. At the same time, the cultural gurus were proclaiming it to be a proving ground for paradise.
Even George F. Will, the usually cautious Washington Post columnist, declared, "The East Coast, landfall for immigrants of all sorts, once was the laboratory of American politics. Today California, land's end for migrants of all sorts, is the laboratory."
Birthplace of the "less is more" philosophy, the Golden State had become both the cultural fad-fashioner of the nation and a dominant political force. What did this imply for the nation politically? Many observers referred to California trendiness as a hopeful sign of America's greening.
Instead, Prop. 13 was to become California's Folly. I thought then, and am firmly convinced now, that the key elements in the proposition - the taxation formula and the two-thirds legislative requirement - would be responsible for causing a fiscal and social disaster. These two requirements have, in time, helped to lead the state into financial bankruptcy and created a dysfunctional state government.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/11/01/INF41AA3BG.DTL#ixzz0VcYIAcO4
"In November 1978, Harper's magazine published my article on the passage of Proposition 13 under the headline 'Californians Rush for Fool's Gold.'"
At that time, Prop. 13 was getting lots of national media attention. The pundits of type and tube were hyping California as the pacesetter for a post-Watergate America. At the same time, the cultural gurus were proclaiming it to be a proving ground for paradise.
Even George F. Will, the usually cautious Washington Post columnist, declared, "The East Coast, landfall for immigrants of all sorts, once was the laboratory of American politics. Today California, land's end for migrants of all sorts, is the laboratory."
Birthplace of the "less is more" philosophy, the Golden State had become both the cultural fad-fashioner of the nation and a dominant political force. What did this imply for the nation politically? Many observers referred to California trendiness as a hopeful sign of America's greening.
Instead, Prop. 13 was to become California's Folly. I thought then, and am firmly convinced now, that the key elements in the proposition - the taxation formula and the two-thirds legislative requirement - would be responsible for causing a fiscal and social disaster. These two requirements have, in time, helped to lead the state into financial bankruptcy and created a dysfunctional state government.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/11/01/INF41AA3BG.DTL#ixzz0VcYIAcO4