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Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Schooled... 'Bad to Catastrophic' Schooled... 'Bad to Catastrophic':

"San Diego Unified will have to cut between $119 million and $175 million from its 2010-2011 budget and shave another $16.6 million from its spending this school year after running up unbudgeted expenses, staff told the school board this morning.

Pinning down the exact amounts of the future cuts still involves some guessing: Depending on the economy and what the legislature decides, the state deficit could force between $3 billion and $6.4 billion in educational cuts statewide. That could translate into as much as $175 million, according to staff estimates."

San Diego Unified had earlier estimated its deficit for 2010-2011 at $64 million. The district was already trying to avoid unpopular cuts it had tentatively planned to reduce that sum, such as ending magnet programs and high school athletics, closing schools and eliminating librarians. It was able to avoid those cuts last year by shooing senior employees out with a golden handshake and using stimulus dollars.