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Thursday, October 15, 2009

U.S. illiteracy: Why Johnny still can't read -

U.S. illiteracy: Why Johnny still can't read -

"By the time he was 17, Antonio Rocha had bounced among 11 New York City schools and was reading at a first-grade level.

It wasn't until he told school officials 'I want a lawyer!' that things began to change.

STUDY: 1 in 7 U.S. adults can't read this story

With the help of an advocacy group, Rocha pressured the city to pay for 480 hours of private tutoring, which eventually helped him read at a functional level. Now 20 and working for United Parcel Service, he's one of three people profiled (and the only one comfortable with being identified) in WNYC Radio reporter Beth Fertig's new book, Why Cant U Teach Me 2 Read?."