Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Golden Gate [X]press : Campus organizations join forces to rally on City Hall

Golden Gate [X]press : Campus organizations join forces to rally on City Hall:

"Campus organizations from colleges across the city are joining together to gather on the steps of City Hall at noon on Oct. 15 to call attention to the mayor's office the fact that higher education was not a topic in the gubernatorial campaign.

The 'Take a Stand' rally is the last event planned for this week's political days of action, October 14 and 15 that tried to bring further attention to this year's budget cuts to higher education across California.

'We expect upwards of 500 students, faculty and staff,' said Brigitte Davila of the raza studies department, who is helping organize the event.

Participants of the rally include SF State's California Faculty Association chapter, Students for Quality Education, City College of San Francisco, Education Budget Advocacy Committee-SFSU and the California State University Employees Union-SFSU."