Higher-value education - Press-Telegram:
"Beleaguered taxpayers are inclined to feel like victims these days, but Daniel Weintraub, who expresses his views on today's Comment page, is a refreshing exception.
Weintraub, who writes for the Sacramento Bee, is the parent of a son enrolled at the University of California Santa Barbara. Thanks to the state's financial mess, tuition for his son will be $2,500 higher, and probably will be raised again in months to come.
He could complain, like so many of us, but instead makes the broader point, which is that the UC system still is one of higher education's great values. Also, a third of the tuition increase will go to less privileged families, those with incomes of $60,000 or less, who will pay no tuition at all."
"Beleaguered taxpayers are inclined to feel like victims these days, but Daniel Weintraub, who expresses his views on today's Comment page, is a refreshing exception.
Weintraub, who writes for the Sacramento Bee, is the parent of a son enrolled at the University of California Santa Barbara. Thanks to the state's financial mess, tuition for his son will be $2,500 higher, and probably will be raised again in months to come.
He could complain, like so many of us, but instead makes the broader point, which is that the UC system still is one of higher education's great values. Also, a third of the tuition increase will go to less privileged families, those with incomes of $60,000 or less, who will pay no tuition at all."