Latest News and Comment from Education

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



Ah, the good old days of the 1930s, when the U.S. decided to play a little game of “Let’s Expel Over a Half Million U.S. Citizens to Mexico.” What a hoot that must have been! Up to 1.8 million people of Mexican descent—most of them American-born—were rounded up in informal raids and deported. Because, you know, who needs pesky things like due process and human rights when you’re feeling a bit xenophobic?

And now, in a stunning display of historical amnesia, we have the one and only Donald J. Trump, who has consistently pledged to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. It’s a commitment he emphasizes in his current campaign, because nothing screams “Make America Great Again” like evoking the spirit of the Great Depression, am I right?

But wait, there’s more! If Trump were to secure a second term (heaven forbid), up to 2.7 million individuals could potentially lose existing protections against deportation. Because why stop at just one mass deportation when you can have two, am I right?

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But what about the impact on immigration safeguards?” Well, my dear reader, let me tell you. Critics argue that Trump’s mass deportation plan could severely impact American communities and target individuals who are significant contributors to society. You know, just little things like tearing families apart, disrupting communities, and creating an atmosphere of fear and distrust. But hey, who needs unity and compassion when you can have fear and division, am I right?

In all seriousness, the prospect of mass deportations is no laughing matter. It’s a deeply troubling and morally reprehensible policy that threatens the very fabric of our society. It’s a policy that seeks to demonize and dehumanize our fellow human beings, simply because they were not fortunate enough to be born within our borders.

But fear not, dear reader, for there is hope on the horizon. As long as there are people who are willing to stand up for justice and compassion, there is hope. As long as there are voices speaking out against cruelty and injustice, there is hope. As long as there are hearts filled with empathy and understanding, there is hope.

So let us stand together in solidarity, let us speak out against hatred and division, and let us work towards a future where compassion triumphs over cruelty, where unity triumphs over division, and where love triumphs over fear. Because that, my dear reader, is the America that we should all strive for.

High school student's report shines light on Mexican Repatriation 1930s 

High school student's report shines light on Mexican Repatriation 1930s via @YouTube 

Watch How the U.S. Expelled Over a Half Million U.S. Citizens to Mexico in 1930s | Democracy Now! | PBS SoCal 

Big Education Ape: "Decade of Betrayal": How the U.S. Expelled Over a Half Million U.S. Citizens to Mexico in 1930s | Portside 

Big Education Ape: Bill signed encouraging study of Latino deportation :: SI&A Cabinet Report 

The Deportation Campaigns of the Great Depression Up to 1.8 million people of Mexican descent—most of them American-born—were rounded up in informal raids and deported. | HISTORY 

INS Records for 1930s Mexican Repatriations | USCIS