Latest News and Comment from Education

Tuesday, September 19, 2023




Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, gather around because I have a story to tell you. It's a story about a secret code word that billionaires use to destroy public education. You see, they don't just come out and say they want to privatize everything. No, no, no. They're much sneakier than that. They use a term that sounds harmless enough, but it's really the beginning of the end for our schools. That term, my friends, is "rightsizing."

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Rightsizing? That doesn't sound so bad." But let me tell you, it's a wolf in sheep's clothing. The billionaires start by wringing their hands about the cost of education. "It's just too expensive," they say. "We need to cut back." Then they start looking at schools strategically located in areas where they can make a killing on real estate. They announce that these schools will be closing, and the parents and community start to protest.

But here's the thing: the district doesn't really care about those protests. They might take a few schools off the list to appease people, but they're still going to close a bunch of them. It's all part of what they call the "20% plan." And once they get started, it's hard to stop. Just look at what's happening in Los Angeles.

So what's the real goal of all these closures? It's simple: they want to open up real estate for charter schools. They want to free up teachers to teach in those charter schools. And they want to make a ton of money in the process. It's all about the bottom line, folks.

So if you hear the term "rightsizing" in your district, watch out. They've come for you. And they won't stop until they've privatized everything.

But don't worry, there's still hope. We can fight back against these billionaires and their sneaky tactics. We can rally together and demand that our public schools be protected. We can show them that we won't stand for their greed and their disregard for our children's education.

And if all else fails, we can always start our own school. Who needs billionaires when you've got a group of dedicated parents and teachers? We'll show them what real education looks like.

In conclusion, my friends, let us not be fooled by the code word "rightsizing." Let us stand strong and fight for our public schools. And let us never forget that laughter is the best medicine, especially when dealing with billionaires and their ridiculous schemes. Thank you for listening, and may your education always be public and hilarious.

San Antonio ISD proposes closing 19 schools as part of ‘rightsizing’ plan