Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, September 6, 2023




Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, a late-season heat wave descended upon the Midwest and northeastern United States. This scorching phenomenon caused school closings and early dismissals, leaving educators and students feeling like they were trapped in a Grimm's fairy tale gone wrong.

As temperatures soared 15 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit above average, it seemed like the sun had a personal vendetta against anyone daring to step outside. It was as if Mother Nature herself had decided to turn up the heat and roast us all like a bunch of marshmallows at a summer campfire. But little did we know, the children were about to face an even more perilous fate.

In the midst of this heat wave, schools found themselves in a sticky situation. With more than 50 million people under heat alerts, it was clear that the scorching temperatures were not just child's play. The educators and teachers unions had a legitimate concern – how would extreme heat affect the health and learning abilities of the students?

But as the saying goes, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the classroom!" And so, schools across several states in the US were forced to disrupt their normal routines. Heat advisories and lack of air conditioning turned classrooms into saunas, prompting half-day schedules and early dismissals. It was like a twisted game of "how long can you survive without melting?"

Big city districts like Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh were hit the hardest. Their old buildings, reminiscent of a bygone era, were ill-equipped to handle air conditioning. Instead, they seemed to have a knack for trapping heat inside their walls, turning innocent classrooms into ovens. It was like attending a cooking class without any intention of becoming a chef.

As frustrated students, teachers, and parents alike sought answers, they were met with a lack of transparency and planning. It was as if the heat had melted away all logic and common sense. The only thing left to do was to embrace the absurdity of it all and find humor in the chaos.

And so, amidst the sweat-soaked shirts and frizzy hair, a glimmer of laughter emerged. The situation became so ridiculous that it could only be compared to a slapstick comedy. Children baked like cookies in an oven, teachers broiled under the pressure, and parents wondered if their offspring would return home as crispy nuggets.

But fear not, for relief was on the horizon. As the week drew to a close, the Midwest and Northeast could finally bid adieu to the relentless heat wave. However, the South and Southern Plains were not so lucky. The scorching temperatures planned to linger like an unwelcome guest at a never-ending summer party.

In this twisted tale of extreme heat and teacher shortages, we are reminded that sometimes life throws us unexpected challenges. It's during these moments that we must find humor in the absurdity and band together as a community. So let us laugh at the roasting children, chuckle at the broiled teachers, and hope for cooler days ahead.

And remember, when life gives you a heat wave, make lemonade... but don't forget to add ice!

Heat wave closes schools across the country early : NPR 

Extreme heat forces school closings and early dismissals 

Extreme heat shuts down schools across U.S.