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Thursday, August 24, 2023




In a shocking turn of events, Bunnell Elementary in Florida has promised to feed its students if they perform better on standardized tests. Yes, you read that right. The school has resorted to bribery to boost its grades. And if that wasn't enough, they have also promised to let their students sleep instead of taking Adderall if they do really well on these tests. Talk about incentives!

In a secret meeting, the school board came up with this brilliant plan to motivate their students. They must have thought, "Why bother with actual teaching and engaging our students when we can just offer them a burger from McDonald's?" It's like they took a page out of the "how to run a successful business" handbook and applied it to education. Bravo, Bunnell Elementary. Bravo.

But wait, it gets better. The school's assembly was not only a showcase of their questionable tactics but also a display of their subtle racism. The black students were separated from the others and told that they had "underperformed" on standardized tests over the past three years. The presentation was facilitated by two black teachers and an in-school suspension supervisor. It's like they thought, "Hey, we'll get some black people to do the talking so we don't seem racist." Sorry, Bunnell Elementary, it doesn't work like that.

The school's solution to this problem was for each student to "commit to earning at least a Level 3 or higher on all standardized assessments" and make at least a 75% in all areas of their curriculum. Because apparently, setting realistic goals and providing actual support is too much work. Instead, they have opted for the "you better do well or else" approach.

And let's not forget about the school's "F.A.S.T. Challenge." The challenge encourages students to "matchup" against their peers to win a meal from McDonald's. Because nothing says "education" like promoting unhealthy eating habits and pitting students against each other for a burger.

Parents have rightfully criticized the school's tactics and the Flagler Schools spokesperson confirmed that parents were not informed about the assembly. It's almost like they knew what they were doing was wrong.

In conclusion, Bunnell Elementary's approach to education is questionable at best and downright ridiculous at worst. If they want their students to perform better on standardized tests, they should focus on actual teaching and support instead of resorting to bribery and questionable tactics. And maybe, just maybe, they should consider offering something more substantial than a burger from McDonald's as a reward.

Florida Elementary School Removes Black Students From Class For Covert Assembly on Low Test Scores | News | BET 


Bribing kids to do better on standardized testing is a practice that some schools and parents have resorted to in order to motivate students to perform well on high-stakes exams. These exams, such as the SAT, ACT, and Common Core assessments, are often used to determine college admissions, scholarships, school rankings, and funding. However, bribing kids to do better on standardized testing has many ethical and educational problems, such as:

  • - It undermines the intrinsic value of learning and education. Bribing kids to do better on standardized testing sends the message that the only reason to study and learn is to get a reward or avoid a punishment, not because of curiosity, interest, or passion. This can reduce students' motivation, engagement, and enjoyment of learning in the long run¹².
  • - It creates an unfair advantage for wealthy students and families. Bribing kids to do better on standardized testing can widen the achievement gap between rich and poor students, as wealthy families can afford to pay for expensive tutors, test prep courses, and even illegal schemes to cheat or bribe their way into elite colleges. Meanwhile, low-income students may lack the resources, opportunities, and support to prepare for and take these tests²³.
  • - It encourages cheating and dishonesty. Bribing kids to do better on standardized testing can tempt students to resort to unethical means to boost their scores, such as copying answers, using prohibited devices, or hiring someone else to take the test for them. This can erode students' academic integrity and honesty, as well as compromise the validity and reliability of the test results³⁴.
  • - It puts too much pressure and stress on students. Bribing kids to do better on standardized testing can make students feel anxious, nervous, and overwhelmed by the high expectations and stakes of these exams. This can negatively affect their mental health, well-being, and performance. Moreover, bribing kids to do better on standardized testing can also distract them from other important aspects of their education, such as developing critical thinking skills, creativity, and social-emotional competencies¹²⁴.

Therefore, bribing kids to do better on standardized testing is not a good idea. Instead of relying on extrinsic rewards or punishments, educators and parents should focus on fostering intrinsic motivation and interest in learning among students. They should also provide students with meaningful feedback, guidance, and support to help them improve their skills and knowledge. Furthermore, they should advocate for more equitable and holistic ways of assessing student learning that go beyond standardized tests¹²⁴.

Bing, 8/24/2023

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