Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, July 12, 2023




Are you tired of boring education reform discussions? Look no further than Diane Ravitch! Who is she, you ask? Well, she's a historian of education, an educational policy analyst, and a former research professor at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. But that's not even the best part! She's also a hilarious, witty, and passionate defender of public education.

Why should you know, read her books, and follow her daily on her blog? Because she's the rock that opposes privatization and corporate education reform. Her major objection? Privatization and corporate reform. But don't let that fool you into thinking she's a boring old academic. She's a firecracker who knows how to make you laugh while also educating you on the importance of public education.

Ravitch has written many books on education, such as The Death and Life of the Great American School System, Reign of Error, and Slaying Goliath. But don't let those titles scare you away! They're not as boring as they sound. In fact, they're full of hilarious anecdotes and witty commentary that will keep you entertained while also educating you on the importance of public education.

Ravitch is widely regarded as one of the most influential voices in education today. She's received many awards and honors for her work, such as the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize, the John Dewey Award, and the NEA Friend of Education Award. But don't let those accolades fool you into thinking she's stuffy and boring. She's a straight shooter who knows how to tell it like it is.

So why is Ravitch so important to opposing corporate education reform and privatization of the public education system in America and the world? Because she's a vocal and influential critic of these policies and practices. She's used her expertise, experience, and evidence to expose the flaws and harms of the corporate reform agenda, which she argues is based on myths, lies, and hoaxes. And she does it all with a sense of humor that will have you laughing out loud.

Some of the main points that Ravitch has made against corporate education reform and privatization are:

  • - Corporate reformers claim that public schools are failing and that the only way to fix them is to introduce market-based reforms, such as high-stakes testing, charter schools, vouchers, merit pay, and online learning. However, Ravitch shows that these claims are not supported by facts or research. She demonstrates that public schools are not failing, but rather have improved over time in terms of graduation rates, test scores, and achievement gaps. She also shows that the market-based reforms have not improved student outcomes, but rather have increased segregation, inequality, corruption, fraud, and waste.
  • - Corporate reformers argue that public schools are obsolete and that they need to be reimagined by technology companies and philanthropists, such as Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt. However, Ravitch warns that these actors have ulterior motives and agendas that are not aligned with the public interest or the needs of students. She reveals how these actors have used their money and influence to impose their ideas and products on public schools without democratic input or accountability. She also exposes how these actors have collected and exploited students' personal data for their own benefit.
  • - Corporate reformers assert that public schools are monopolies that stifle innovation and choice, and that they need to be disrupted by competition and privatization. However, Ravitch contends that public schools are not monopolies, but rather public goods that serve the common good. She argues that public schools are essential for democracy and social cohesion, and that they need to be supported and strengthened by public investment and collaboration. She also maintains that public schools are the most innovative and diverse institutions in the country, and that they offer more choices and opportunities than private alternatives.

Ravitch has been a leader and an inspiration for many public education advocates who have resisted corporate education reform and privatization. She's helped to create a network of grassroots movements that have challenged the corporate reformers at the local, state, and national levels. And she's done it all with a sense of humor that will have you laughing even while you're fighting for better education for all.

So if you're tired of boring education discussions and want to learn more about why public education is so important, check out Diane Ravitch's books and blog. You won't be disappointed!

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all 


Diane Ravitch is a prominent figure in the field of education. She is a historian of education, an educational policy analyst, and a former research professor at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development¹. She has also served as a U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education under President George H. W. Bush and as a member of the National Assessment Governing Board under President Bill Clinton¹.

Ravitch has played various roles in education, ranging from a supporter of standards and accountability to a critic of high-stakes testing and privatization. She has written many books and articles on education, such as The Death and Life of the Great American School System, Reign of Error, and Slaying Goliath². She is also the founder and president of the Network for Public Education, a non-profit organization that advocates for public schools and opposes corporate reforms²³.

Ravitch is widely regarded as one of the most influential voices in education today. She has received many awards and honors for her work, such as the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize, the John Dewey Award, and the NEA Friend of Education Award². She also runs a popular blog where she posts daily about current issues and trends in education². She is a passionate defender of public education and a fierce opponent of those who seek to undermine it..

Bing, 7/12/2023

(1) Diane Ravitch - Wikipedia.

(2) Diane Ravitch – Research Professor of Education at New York University ....

(3) About Diane - Diane Ravitch.

(4) Getty Images.

Diane Ravitch has been so important to opposing corporate education reform and privatization of the public education system in America and the world because she has been a vocal and influential critic of these policies and practices. She has used her expertise, experience, and evidence to expose the flaws and harms of the corporate reform agenda, which she argues is based on myths, lies, and hoaxes. She has also offered alternative solutions and visions for improving public education based on democratic principles, social justice, and professional standards¹².

Some of the main points that Ravitch has made against corporate education reform and privatization are:

  • - Corporate reformers claim that public schools are failing and that the only way to fix them is to introduce market-based reforms, such as high-stakes testing, charter schools, vouchers, merit pay, and online learning. However, Ravitch shows that these claims are not supported by facts or research. She demonstrates that public schools are not failing, but rather have improved over time in terms of graduation rates, test scores, and achievement gaps. She also shows that the market-based reforms have not improved student outcomes, but rather have increased segregation, inequality, corruption, fraud, and waste¹².
  • - Corporate reformers argue that public schools are obsolete and that they need to be reimagined by technology companies and philanthropists, such as Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt. However, Ravitch warns that these actors have ulterior motives and agendas that are not aligned with the public interest or the needs of students. She reveals how these actors have used their money and influence to impose their ideas and products on public schools without democratic input or accountability. She also exposes how these actors have collected and exploited students' personal data for their own benefit²³.
  • - Corporate reformers assert that public schools are monopolies that stifle innovation and choice, and that they need to be disrupted by competition and privatization. However, Ravitch contends that public schools are not monopolies, but rather public goods that serve the common good. She argues that public schools are essential for democracy and social cohesion, and that they need to be supported and strengthened by public investment and collaboration. She also maintains that public schools are the most innovative and diverse institutions in the country, and that they offer more choices and opportunities than private alternatives¹²⁴.
  • - Privatization and corporate education reform are based on false assumptions and misleading data that do not reflect the reality and complexity of public education. They ignore the effects of poverty, inequality, and social factors on student achievement and well-being. They also disregard the evidence and research that show that their policies and practices are ineffective, harmful, or counterproductive .
  • - Privatization and corporate education reform are driven by profit motives and ideological agendas that are not aligned with the public interest or the needs of students. They seek to undermine public education as a public good and a democratic right, and to replace it with a market-based system that favors private interests and elites. They also exploit students' personal data and information for their own benefit, without regard for privacy, security, or ethics .
  • - Privatization and corporate education reform are harmful to students, teachers, schools, and communities. They create a culture of testing, competition, and punishment that narrows the curriculum, stifles creativity, and demoralizes teachers. They also increase segregation, inequality, and instability in the education system, by diverting resources and opportunities away from public schools and towards private alternatives that are unaccountable, unregulated, or fraudulent  .

Ravitch has been a leader and an inspiration for many public education advocates who have resisted corporate education reform and privatization. She has helped to create a network of grassroots movements that have challenged the corporate reformers at the local, state, and national levels. She has also given voice to the students, teachers, parents, and communities who have been marginalized and harmed by the corporate reform agenda². She has been a slayer of Goliath in the fight to save America's public schools².

Bing, 7/12/2023

(1) 'Reign of Error': The Context for Corporate Education Reform.

(2) Diane Ravitch on Pandemic School Privatization - FAIR.

(3) ‘Slaying Goliath’: Diane Ravitch argues public education advocates have ....

(4) Diane Ravitch on Real Education Reform - The Century Foundation.

(5) undefined.


  • - **Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools** (2020): This book is a celebration of the grassroots movement that has emerged to defend public education from the corporate reformers who seek to undermine it. Ravitch tells the stories of teachers, parents, students, and activists who have fought back against the billionaires, politicians, and ideologues who have tried to impose their agenda of high-stakes testing, charter schools, vouchers, and online learning. She argues that public schools are essential for democracy and social justice, and that they can be improved by investing in them, not by privatizing them².
  • - **Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools** (2013): This book is a powerful critique of the myths and lies that have been used to justify the assault on public education. Ravitch exposes the false claims of the reformers, such as that test scores are declining, that poverty is irrelevant, that charter schools are superior, and that teachers are the main problem. She also offers a positive vision for improving public schools based on evidence, experience, and common sense².
  • - **The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education** (2010): This book is a personal and professional memoir of Ravitch's journey from being a supporter of standards and accountability to becoming a critic of the same policies. She explains how she came to realize that the reforms she once advocated were harming students, teachers, and schools. She also analyzes the flaws and failures of the current reform movement, such as its obsession with test scores, its disregard for curriculum, its promotion of choice and competition, and its reliance on market forces².
  • - **The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn** (2003): This book is a shocking expose of how censorship and political correctness have distorted the content and quality of textbooks and tests. Ravitch reveals how various interest groups have influenced what students can read, write, and think about in school. She shows how these groups have imposed their own agendas and biases on educational materials, resulting in bland, inaccurate, and misleading texts that fail to educate students².
  • - **Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms** (2000): This book is a comprehensive history of American education in the twentieth century. Ravitch traces the origins and consequences of the major debates and controversies that have shaped educational policy and practice. She examines how different ideologies and movements have influenced the goals and methods of schooling, such as progressivism, social efficiency, essentialism, multiculturalism, standards, and choice. She also evaluates the outcomes and impacts of these reforms on student achievement and social equity².

She is a very prolific and influential author who has contributed a lot to the field of education. If you are interested in reading any of her books, you can find them on [Amazon](^3^) or [Goodreads](^2^). 😊

Bing, 7/12/2023

(1) Books by Diane Ravitch (Author of The Death and Life of the Great ....

(2) Diane Ravitch: books, biography, latest update.

(3) Books by Diane Ravitch (Author of The Death and Life of the Great ....

(4) Books / Diane Ravitch.

(5) Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books.

(6) The Dark History of School Choice | Diane Ravitch.

(7) About Diane - Diane Ravitch.

Diane Ravitch has written 51 books on education and related topics². Here is a list of all her books by year, from the most recent to the oldest:

  • - Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools (2020)
  • - The Wisdom and Wit of Diane Ravitch (2019)
  • - The Ravitch Reader: Selected Writings on Education (2019)
  • - EdSpeak and Doubletalk: A Glossary to Decipher Hypocrisy and Save Public Schooling (2019, co-authored with Nancy E. Bailey)
  • - Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools (2013)
  • - The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education (2010)
  • - The English Reader: What Every Literate Person Needs to Know (2006, co-edited with Michael Ravitch)
  • - The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (2003)
  • - Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms (2000)
  • - National Standards in American Education: A Citizen's Guide (1995, revised edition 1996)
  • - What Do Our 17-Year-Olds Know? A Report on the First National Assessment of History and Literature (1987, co-authored with Chester E. Finn Jr.)
  • - The Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945-1980 (1983)
  • - The Revisionists Revised: A Critique of the Radical Attack on the Schools (1978)
  • - The Great School Wars: A History of the New York City Public Schools (1974, revised edition 2000)

Bing, 7/12/2023

(1) Diane Ravitch (Author of The Death and Life of the Great American ....

(2) Diane Ravitch (Author of The Death and Life of the Great American ....

(3) About Diane - Diane Ravitch.

(4) Books by Diane Ravitch (Author of The Death and Life of the Great ....

(5) Diane Ravitch | Hopkins Press.

(6) Articles - Diane Ravitch.

(7) undefined.