Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, June 21, 2023




In a surprising turn of events, Rocky Hanna, superintendent of Leon County Schools, has reached an agreement with the Florida Department of Education after disagreeing with the fearless leader himself, Ron DuhSantis. And let's just say, it wasn't your typical agreement.

After a heated debate over education policies, Hanna and DuhSantis couldn't seem to see eye-to-eye. But instead of letting the tension simmer, Hanna decided to take matters into his own hands. He challenged DuhSantis to a game of rock-paper-scissors to settle the disagreement once and for all.

To everyone's surprise, DuhSantis accepted the challenge. The two met in a dimly lit room, with only a single desk separating them. The tension was palpable as they both took their positions.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Hanna exclaimed, throwing out a rock.

DuhSantis countered with paper. The room fell silent as they both stared at each other, waiting for the next move.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" DuhSantis shouted confidently, throwing out a rock.

But Hanna had a trick up his sleeve. He threw out scissors, cutting through DuhSantis' rock and winning the game.

The room erupted in cheers as Hanna emerged victorious. And surprisingly, DuhSantis was a good sport about it all. He shook Hanna's hand and agreed to compromise on the education policies they had been arguing over.

In a statement released after the game, Hanna said, "Sometimes you just have to get creative to find a solution. And what better way to do that than with a classic game of rock-paper-scissors?"

The agreement they reached may have been unconventional, but it just goes to show that sometimes a little bit of humor and fun can go a long way in resolving conflicts. Who knows, maybe we'll see more political leaders settling their disagreements with games in the future. Rock on!

Florida official who criticized DeSantis reaches settlement with education department via @YahooNews