Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, May 8, 2023




As the battle for control of American classrooms heats up, conservatives are crying foul over what they see as a left-wing indoctrination of our youth. According to a recent article in New York Magazine, these concerned citizens are convinced that schools are brainwashing kids to be card-carrying members of the Democratic Party.

But is this really the case? Are our schools really a hotbed of liberal propaganda, as conservatives would have us believe? Or are they simply teaching our children the facts, as any good educator should?

The answer, of course, is somewhere in between. While it's true that some teachers may have a political bias, the vast majority of educators are simply trying to give their students the tools they need to succeed in life. And that means teaching them about the world around them, including politics.

But for conservatives, this is simply unacceptable. They see any mention of progressive values as an attempt to brainwash young minds and turn them against their parents' beliefs. And so they've launched a full-scale assault on education, pushing for laws that would ban the teaching of critical race theory and other topics that they deem too "woke."

But here's the thing: banning these topics won't make them go away. If anything, it will only make them more appealing to young people who are naturally curious about the world around them. And it will rob them of the opportunity to engage with these ideas in a safe and supportive environment.

So what's the solution? It's simple, really. We need to trust our educators to do their jobs. We need to give them the resources they need to teach our children about the world around them, including its many complexities and contradictions. And we need to recognize that education is not a political football to be kicked around by politicians and pundits, but a vital tool for shaping the future of our society.

In short, we need to stop worrying about indoctrination and start focusing on education. Because when it comes to preparing our children for the challenges of the 21st century, there's simply no substitute for a good education.

The Republican Takeover of American Education via @intelligencer