Latest News and Comment from Education

Saturday, May 13, 2023



In a move that has left many scratching their heads, the Governor of Oklahoma, Kevin Stitt, has declared war on a local PBS station. The reason? He claims that the station is indoctrinating children with LGBTQ content.

Yes, you read that right. The Governor of Oklahoma is going to war with a public broadcasting station over what he perceives to be a threat to the moral fiber of his state's children. But before we dive into the absurdity of this situation, let's take a step back and examine the facts.

According to Governor Stitt, the PBS station in question has been airing programs that promote the LGBTQ agenda. He believes that this is a violation of the station's mandate to provide educational programming for children. In response, he has threatened to cut the station's funding and launch an investigation into its programming.

Now, let's be clear. There is nothing inherently wrong with promoting LGBTQ rights and acceptance. In fact, it is a necessary and important part of creating an inclusive society. But Governor Stitt seems to think otherwise.

In a statement released to the press, he said, "I will not stand idly by while our children are subjected to this kind of propaganda. We must protect their innocence and ensure that they are not exposed to harmful ideologies."

Harmful ideologies? Really? It's hard to see how promoting acceptance and tolerance can be considered harmful. But Governor Stitt seems determined to make it so.

Of course, this is not the first time that conservative politicians have tried to censor or silence voices that they disagree with. But it is particularly troubling when it comes to public broadcasting, which is supposed to be a bastion of free speech and diverse viewpoints.

It's also worth noting that the programs in question are not even particularly controversial. They include shows like Arthur, which features a character with two moms, and Sesame Street, which has introduced a character with autism. These are hardly the kind of programs that are going to turn children into LGBTQ activists.

But Governor Stitt seems to be operating under the assumption that any mention of LGBTQ issues is automatically indoctrination. It's a narrow-minded and dangerous view that ignores the reality of the world we live in.

The fact is, LGBTQ people exist. They are part of our communities, our families, and our schools. Pretending that they don't exist or trying to shield children from their existence is not only futile, it's also harmful.

Children need to learn about the world around them in order to grow into informed and compassionate adults. That includes learning about different kinds of families, different kinds of people, and different ways of being in the world.

Governor Stitt seems to be more interested in promoting his own narrow worldview than in providing children with the education they need to thrive. It's a sad state of affairs, but it's also an opportunity for those of us who believe in diversity and inclusion to stand up and speak out.

So let's do just that. Let's make it clear to Governor Stitt and anyone else who would try to censor or silence LGBTQ voices that we will not be silenced. We will continue to fight for equality and acceptance, no matter what obstacles we face.

And as for the PBS station in question? We should support them in any way we can. They are doing important work, and they deserve our thanks and our support. After all, they are providing children with the kind of education that Governor Stitt seems determined to deny them.

Oklahoma governor wages war on PBS station after claiming it is indoctrinating children with LGBTQ content | CNN Business