Latest News and Comment from Education

Sunday, May 21, 2023




Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color, and LGBTQ+ individual

The NAACP recently issued a travel warning for Florida. Yes, you read that right. The NAACP, an organization that has been fighting for equality and justice for over a century, is warning people not to travel to Florida. Why? Because of the stupidity of the right-wing DeSantis and the Florida Legislature.

Let's start with DeSantis. This guy is a real piece of work. He's like a less intelligent version of Trump, if you can imagine that. He's constantly spouting off about how great Florida is, but in reality, he's doing everything he can to turn it into a third-world country.

For example, he recently signed a bill that would make it harder for people to vote. That's right. Instead of making it easier for people to participate in our democracy, he's making it harder. And why? Because he knows that if more people vote, he and his cronies will be out of a job.

But that's not all. DeSantis has also signed a bill that would make it legal to run over protesters with your car. Yes, you read that right. If you're protesting something that DeSantis doesn't like, he's giving drivers the green light to run you over. It's like something out of a dystopian novel.

And then there's the Florida Legislature. These guys are like a bunch of toddlers who just learned how to use their words. They're constantly coming up with new ways to restrict people's rights and freedoms.

For example, they recently passed a bill that would make it illegal for transgender girls to participate in girls' sports. Because apparently, these guys have nothing better to do than worry about who's playing on what team.

But perhaps the most ridiculous thing the Florida Legislature has done is pass a bill that would make it illegal for local governments to pass their own gun control laws. That's right. If a city or county wants to pass a law that would make their community safer, the Florida Legislature is saying "nope, sorry, can't do that."

So it's no wonder that the NAACP is warning people not to travel to Florida. With DeSantis and the Florida Legislature in charge, it's like living in a bad episode of The Twilight Zone.

But hey, at least we can still make jokes about it, right? I mean, what else are we supposed to do? Cry? That's not really our style.

So here goes nothing: Why did the Florida man cross the road? To get to the other side where he can legally run over protesters with his car.

Okay, maybe that one was a little dark. But you get the idea. When faced with the stupidity of DeSantis and the Florida Legislature, sometimes all you can do is laugh. Or cry. But mostly laugh.

In conclusion, if you're thinking about traveling to Florida anytime soon, you might want to reconsider. Unless you enjoy living in a state where your rights and freedoms are constantly under attack by a bunch of right-wing nutjobs. In which case, knock yourself out. But don't say we didn't warn you.

NAACP issues travel advisory urging people to avoid Florida