Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, May 18, 2023




Once upon a time, in the land of politics and education, there was a woman named Diane Ravitch. She was the assistant education secretary under George HW Bush and an education historian, but that's not all. She was also the co-founder of the NPE Network for Public Education, and boy, did she mean a lot to the save public school movement.

Diane was a force to be reckoned with. She knew everything there was to know about education, and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She would often go on TV and radio shows to talk about the importance of public education, and she would do it with such passion and humor that even the most stubborn opponents of public education would be swayed.

But Diane wasn't always the hero of public education. In fact, she used to be a big supporter of charter schools and standardized testing. That is until she saw the light. She realized that these things were actually hurting public education and the students it served.

So, she did what any hero would do. She changed her mind and started fighting for what she believed in. She started speaking out against charter schools and standardized testing, and she started advocating for more funding for public schools.

And people listened. They listened because Diane was funny, relatable, and most importantly, she knew what she was talking about. She would often tell stories about her own experiences in public school, and how they shaped her into the person she is today.

One of her most famous stories is about how she got a C in gym class. She would say, "I got a C in gym class, and I turned out just fine. I mean, I'm not an Olympic athlete or anything, but I can walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded."

People loved Diane because she was real. She wasn't some stuffy politician or academic, she was just a regular person who cared about education. And that's why she was able to rally so many people to the cause of public education.

Thanks to Diane's tireless efforts, public education is now back in the spotlight. People are realizing that it's not just a "nice to have," it's a necessity. And they have Diane to thank for that.

So, here's to Diane Ravitch, the hero of public education. May her passion and humor continue to inspire us all to fight for what we believe in.

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all