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Saturday, May 6, 2023

Common Good Demands Take Center Stage in Oakland Teacher Strike Negotiations

Common Good Demands Take Center Stage in Oakland Teacher Strike Negotiations

As the Oakland teachers' strike enters its second day, the negotiations seem to be at a standstill. The teachers' union is pushing for common good demands, which include issues such as green spaces on campus and student homelessness. However, the school board is split on the issue, with some members concerned about giving up too much power or being bound to projects they can't afford.

But let's take a step back and ask ourselves, what is the common good? Is it just a buzzword that sounds good in a negotiation? Or is it something that we should all strive for? 

The concept of the common good dates back to ancient Greece, where philosophers like Aristotle and Plato saw it as the ultimate goal of society. It refers to the well-being of the community as a whole, rather than just individual interests. 

In the context of the Oakland teachers' strike, the common good demands are not just about improving the lives of teachers, but also about addressing larger societal issues. For example, the union is asking the district to prioritize Oakland's homeless students and to invest in historically Black schools that have been neglected. These issues may not be directly related to classroom curriculum, but they are certainly important for the well-being of the community as a whole.

Of course, the school board is right to be concerned about giving up too much power or being bound to projects they can't afford. But there are ways to address these concerns while still prioritizing the common good. For example, the district could codify language in the contract to protect itself and not impact its ability to govern. This could include contingencies based on staffing or funding, or language around pilot projects that will be revisited in the future.

Ultimately, the negotiations will come down to common good proposals. It's clear that both sides have different priorities and concerns, but it's important to remember that we're all in this together. The well-being of the community as a whole should be our ultimate goal, and we should strive to find solutions that benefit everyone. 

As the strike continues, let's hope that both sides can come to a resolution that prioritizes the common good. After all, isn't that what we all want?

What are 'common good' demands? The reason behind deadlock in Oakland teacher strike negotiations