Latest News and Comment from Education

Saturday, May 20, 2023



Citizens United, huh? Sounds like a movie about a group of superheroes fighting against evil billionaires. But unfortunately, it's not. It's a Supreme Court decision that has allowed billionaires to use their money to undermine public schools and American democracy.

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want some rich dude deciding the fate of our education system. I mean, what do they know about struggling to make ends meet and trying to get a decent education? Probably nothing.

But these billionaires are using PACs, front groups, foundations, and other sneaky ways to hide their funding and push their agendas. It's like they're playing a game of hide and seek with our democracy, and they're winning. Not cool, guys.

Take the Koch brothers, for example. They've spent billions of dollars to support candidates who oppose public education. I mean, who needs public schools when you can just send your kids to a fancy private school, right? Wrong. Public schools are the backbone of our education system, and we can't let these billionaires tear it down.

And don't even get me started on the Mercer family. They've funded the Tea Party movement, which is all about taking away funding from public education. I mean, what's next? Taking away funding for libraries because they're too "public"? Give me a break.

But we can fight back. We can contact our elected officials and tell them that we support public education. We can donate to organizations that are fighting for public education. We can even volunteer our time to help support public schools.

And hey, while we're at it, let's educate ourselves about the issues facing public education. Let's share what we learn with others and spread the word that billionaires shouldn't be able to buy our democracy.

So let's band together, folks. Let's show these billionaires that we won't stand for their sneaky tactics. Let's protect our public schools and our democracy. And let's do it all with a smile on our faces, because nothing scares billionaires more than a bunch of happy, educated citizens.