The alarm buzzed at 4:30 am. Time to get up.
DeShaun and his little brother Marco got out of bed and threw on their clothes.
Mom was in the other room hastily getting her work bag together.
“Are you two ready yet? We’ve got to go in 20 minutes.”
Marco just yawned, but Deshaun dared to complain about the hour.
“We didn’t used to have to get up so early,” he said.
“That was when you still had school. Now I’ve got to get you all to the daycare by 5 or they’ll be full up.”
DeShaun frowned but got ready anyway. He didn’t want to have to sit outside all day again. There were older kids in the park who got kids like him to run drugs during the day. He could make some money that way, but the only kids he knew who did CONTINUE READING: You’re Going to Miss Us When We’re Gone – What School May Look Like Once All the Teachers Quit | gadflyonthewallblog