Virtual Instruction: Top 5 Pros & Top 5 Cons
Teaching today is not the same as it was just a year ago.
The global Coronavirus pandemic has forced schools to change the way they do almost everything.
With infection rates moderate to high in most areas of the country, many schools have resorted to full virtual instruction while others have adopted a hybrid model incorporating a mix of cyber and in-person classes.
Only in the most sparsely populated, secluded or reckless areas have schools been allowed to reopen 100% without safety precautions.
For many districts trying to juggle both in-person and virtual classes, the online component has been left to ed tech companies like Edmentum often specializing in credit recovery.
These have been an absolute disaster.
Corporate America has no business educating our youth – and moreover they’re terribly bad at it.
However, in many districts, virtual instruction has come to CONTINUE READING: Virtual Instruction: Top 5 Pros & Top 5 Cons | gadflyonthewallblog