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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Our First Student Tests Positive for COVID-19 | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog

Our First Student Tests Positive for COVID-19 | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog

Our First Student Tests Positive for COVID-19

We made it longer than I thought we would.
Our first day with students was September 08, 2020. One month later, on October 09, 2020, my Louisiana high school had its first case of a student testing positive for coronavirus.
I appreciate the way in which the situation was handled. Our administration did not leave the issue to ferment in rumors. Instead, faculty received an email about a robocall sent to us and one to parents informing that a student (identity not released) tested positive for the virus, and that a local health agency has been informed and is guiding the process of contact tracing, which involves identifying students and faculty who were within six feet of the infected student for more than 15 minutes and instituting 14 days of quarantine for those individuals in order to combat potential spreading of the virus on our campus.
Such tracing is enabled by classroom seating charts that teachers are required to provide to admin for this very purpose. (The email also reminded faculty of the importance of keeping accurate attendance and updating seating charts.)
I also appreciate that having approximately half of the student body on campus enables individuals to maintain social distancing; that masks are mandatory (and that most individuals wear their masks consistently and correctly), and CONTINUE READING: Our First Student Tests Positive for COVID-19 | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog