Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

A site to discuss better education for all

Watch Katharine Stewart and Me Discuss the Assault on Public Schools
44by dianeravitch / 19h
Katherine Stewart and I were invited by the Massachusetts Historical Society to discuss the assault on public schools by the religious right, libertarians, billionaires, and entrepreneurs. Stewart is the author of an important new book called The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism. Since Massachusetts was the birthplace of public schools, it was a fitting venue
Caroline Rose Guiliani: Why You Should Vote for Biden & Harris
54by dianeravitch / 20h
The children of prominent politicians are causing mighty waves. Kellyanne Conway’s daughter Claudia has one million followers on TikTok, Twitter and other social media outlets, where she regularly excoriates Trump and her parents. The niece of Donald Trump, Mary Trump, wrote a bestseller about the dysfunctional family that produced The Donald and regularly appears on cable news to denounce his po
Economic Policy Institute: Teachers Pay a Penalty for Teaching
100+by dianeravitch / 21h
I like the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., for many reasons. I like the research it produces. But I most admire the fact that it is not sustained by the usual billionaires. It follows the facts. In a recent report, EPI found that teachers pay a wage penalty for choosing teaching as their profession. They are paid about 20% less than others with similar levels of education. This mak
Wired: Trump’s “Miracle Cure” is a Logistical Nightmare
by dianeravitch / 22h
Donald Trump, as everyone knows, got the best of socialized medicine when he was hospitalized at Walter Reed. He received drugs not available to the general public. One, in particular, was effective, apparently, and he called it a “miracle cure.” It is not currently available to the public; it has not yet been approved by the FDA. But if it is approved, the problems of availability, affordability
Fix America by Reversing Decades of Privatization
by dianeravitch / 23h
K. Sabeel Rahman, president of the think tank Demos, proposes wisely in The Atlantic that the way to fix our nation’s economy and restore equity is to reverse decades of privatization and instead invest in public infrastructure. This would not only create millions of jobs but would restore the balance between the public and private spheres, which are dramatically skewed in favor of the haves and
“Originalist” Would Not Permit Women on the Court
100by dianeravitch / 1d
On Twitter, Representative Barbara Lee exploded the complete nonsense behind the “Originalist” theory of judging, claimed by people like the late Justice Scalia and Judge Amy Coney Barrett. They say the words of the Constitution should mean today what they meant in the 18th century, nothing more, nothing less. Representative Lee tweeted: An “originalist” reading of the Constitution would disquali
OCT 15
Network for Public Education Action Endorses Three More Senate Candidates
by dianeravitch / 1d
NPE Action previously endorsed nine Senate candidates: Mark Kelly-Arizona Jon Ossoff-Georgia Theresa Greenfield-Iowa Barbara Bollier-Kansas Amy McGrath-Kentucky Sara Gideon-Maine Steve Bullock-Montana Cal Cunningham-North Carolina Jaime Harrison-South Carolina We endorse three more candidates for the United States Senate: Doug Jones-Alabama Gary Peters-Michigan M.J. Hegar-Texas
How Does ACB’s “Originalism” Connect to 2020 Medical Care?
40by dianeravitch / 1d
I get many requests for donations in my email daily. Some come from the Committee to protect Medicare. This was written by Dr. Rob Davidson, executive director of the Committee: For the past three days, I’ve watched Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings in the Senate. As a doctor, it’s beyond bizarre to see a potential Supreme Court Justice say she’ll make decisions about health care based on
Senator Whitehouse Exposes Rightwing Network Funding Attacks on Democracy
24by dianeravitch / 1d
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island challenged Amy Coney Barrett to act without regard to the billionaires who are funding the campaign to put her on the Supreme Court. Senator Whitehouse is keenly aware of the Dark Money that wants to deregulate business, overturn Roe v. Wade, eliminate the Affordable Care Act, and reverse gay marriage. Will Justice Barrett ignore his pleas? Follow the mo
John Merrow: Do Not Commit the 8th Deadly Sin
27by dianeravitch / 1d
John Merrow warns readers not to commit the eighth deadly sin: the sin of indifference. Merrow begins: I imagine that almost everyone has at least a passing acquaintance with the Seven Deadly Sins, even if their names don’t roll easily off your tongue. For the record and to jog your memory, the Seven Deadly Sins are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. If you’re like me, you have
Mercedes Schneider: The Meteoric Rise, Fall, and Rise of a Reformer
32by dianeravitch / 1d
In a post from 2019, Mercedes Schneider reviewed the spectacular career of a TFA “reformer” who became a star in Nevada , briefly disappeared, then resurfaced with a cushy job in the booming IDEA charter chain in Houston (Betsy DeVos’s favorite). Alison Serafin flourished in Nevada when there was a Republican Governor. She was vice-president of the state board. She launched a start-up called Oppo
Rhode Island: A Must-Read Court Decision!
27by dianeravitch / 1d
You are probably not in the habit of reading court decisions. They tend to be dense and filled with citations that slow down the reader. But you must read the decision issued on October 13 by Judge William Smith of the U.S. District Court of Rhode Island. It is brilliant, fascinating, informative. It is a lesson in civics for all of us. Students in Rhode Island sued the state of Rhode Island and
OCT 14
The Blog Just Passed 37 Million Page Views
by dianeravitch / 2d
Thank you, dear readers. Your comments have made this a far better blog. You continue to teach me and others by sharing your views and your experience and wisdom. Some of the best posts on this blog were written by you. Keep reading and keep commenting. We will save our democracy and our public schools by educating the public. Do me a favor: Join the Network for Public Education and magnify our m
One Week from Today, I Will Be Speaking to Education Activists in Texas
by dianeravitch / 2d
One week today, I will participate in a statewide Zoom meeting with education activists in Texas, hosted by Pastors for Texas Children. It is a fundraising event for the important work of Pastors for Texas Children, which is a great friend to the five million children who attend public schools in Texas. PTC has been a powerful force in the effort by parents and civil groups to block vouchers in T
NASSP Honors Philadelphia Principal as “Principal of the Year”
by dianeravitch / 2d
This is a wonderful story of a public school whose students succeeded against the odds thanks to a dedicated and creative leader. Will Bill Gates or Laurene Powell Jobs come calling? Philadelphia School Leader Named NASSP National Principal of the Year Richard Gordon of Paul Robeson High School for Human Services announced as 2021 honoree during National Principals Month FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Con
The Swamp of Trump
29by dianeravitch / 2d
Remember that Trump promised to “drain the swamp”? He said it again and again. Maybe he did drain the swamp, but he created another one: his swamp. The New York Times reported on Trump’s swamp. The story has many wonderful graphics, which I am unable to reproduce. I am posting only the beginning of the story, which goes into detail about Trump’s own swamp of money, influence, and power. Subscribe
Jennifer Rubin: How Congress Can Limit the Reach of the Trump Court
36by dianeravitch / 2d
Jennifer Rubin is a columnist for the Washington Post. I believe she was chosen to express a conservative view but she was quickly repelled by Trump and Trumpism. In this column, she explain s how a Democratic Congress can protect progressive policies—by doing their job. The prospect of Republican senators marching lock-step to confirm a justice — picked precisely because of her hostility to the
Charles Koch Is Big Winner with Barrett Nomination
68by dianeravitch / 2d
Christopher Leonard, the author of Kochland, wrote an opinion article for The New York Times in which he explains that the big winner in the nomination and likely confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett is Charles Koch. Koch has invested for decades in his libertarian project of freeing corporations from regulations and mandates. Koch is also a major supporter of school vouchers. Barrett was reco
Ohio: Who Pays for Vouchers?
by dianeravitch / 2d
Bill Phillis, founder of the Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy of School Funding explains here where the funding comes from for vouchers: public schools pay from their budgets. The cost this year is nearly $350 million, deducted from the public schools that enroll nearly 90% of the state’s children. A study funded by the conservative Thomas B. Fordham Institute showed that vouchers are ineff
OCT 13
The Network for Public Education Action Endorses Senate Candidates!
by dianeravitch / 3d
The Network for Public Education Action is delighted to endorse the following candidates for election to the United States Senate : Mark Kelly-Arizona Jon Ossoff-Georgia Theresa Greenfield-Iowa Barbara Bollier-Kansas Amy McGrath-Kentucky Sara Gideon-Maine Steve Bullock-Montana Cal Cunningham-North Carolina Jaime Harrison-South Carolina NPE Action Endorses 8 Candidates for the U.S. Senate We endor
Betsy DeVos’ Group Pours Money into Missouri Races
by dianeravitch / 3d
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that the PAC called American Federation for Children , started by Betsy DeVos, is supporting pro-charter Republican candidates in Missouri. We frequently get comments from charter advocates who insist that charters are progressive but it is hard to sustain that idea when the money to expand them comes from plutocrats like DeVos and the Waltons. JEFFERSON CITY
New York City: Top Education Aide Joins XQ
by dianeravitch / 3d
XQ, you may recall, is the organization created by billionaire Laurene Powell Jobs to “reinvent” high schools. Thus far, it has paid out many millions of dollars but produced no results. Perhaps you remember one evening a few years ago when XQ bought time on all three networks to showcase celebrities extolling its ambitions. Arne Duncan is a senior advisor at the Emerson Collective, Ms. Jobs’ gro
The Limits of School Choice
100+by dianeravitch / 3d
There are many reasons to be concerned about the spread of school choice via charters and vouchers. One is that it reduces the funding available for the public schools that enroll the vast majority of students. Most states are barely willing to finance their public schools, so now they divvy up the funds to support choice schools. Makes no sense. Another is that proponents of choice claim that th
OCT 12
A Medical Scientist Speaks Out About Children and COVID
28by dianeravitch / 4d
A reader who is a scientist wrote to ask why I posted the views of an economist about children and COVID instead of those of a medical researcher. She sent me this interview of Angela Rasmussen that appeared in Science Friday . Rasmussen is a professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. In the interview, she says: ANGELA RASMUSSEN: Well, teachers and parents should definite
Bob Shepherd: The Hoax of Standardized Testing
200+by dianeravitch / 4d
Bob Shepherd is an editor, author, and recently retired teacher in Florida. He worked for many years as a developer of curriculum and assessments. He posted this comment here. Combating Standardized Testing Derangement Syndrome (STDs) The dirty secret of the standardized testing industry is the breathtakingly low quality of the tests themselves. I worked in the educational publishing industry at
Peter Goodman on Bill Gates’ Next Big Idea
32by dianeravitch / 4d
Peter Goodman, former teacher and frequent blogger about education in New York City and New York State, reviews Bill Gates’ next big idea to reform education: Redesign Algebra 1. He begins: From Small High Schools to Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) to Value-Added Measurements (VAM) to the Common Core State Standards , the Gates Foundation has been searching for the magic bullet, a vaccine fo
John Thompson Reviews “School’s Out” About Pandemic
86by dianeravitch / 4d
John Thompson, historian and retired teacher in Oklahoma, reviews Alec MacGillis’ “School’s Out,” a book about the response of schools and teachers to the pandemic. My takeaway: It’s tough to write a book about a pandemic when it’s not over. When I first read Alec MacGillis’ School’s Out , I worried that he reached conclusions that were too optimistic, but it made me hopeful. After all, it was a
OCT 11
Happy Birthday, Eleanor Roosevelt!
34by dianeravitch / 5d
Eleanor Roosevelt was perhaps the most accomplished and fearless of First Ladies. She was a prominent activist for progressive causes, and she never moderated her views to please the public. She was her own woman, not an ornament for a powerful man. Garrison Keillor’s “The Writers’ Almanac” posted this brief tribute to an amazingly interesting woman: It’s the birthday of the longest-serving First
Wisconsin, South Carolina: Two Teachers Die of COVID-19
1Kby dianeravitch / 5d
Yesterday, I posted an article by an economist who wrote that schools are not super spreaders, and that the rate of transmission of COVID has been very low among students and teachers. Some readers got angry at me for posting this article. Let me be clear that I am not a scientist or a doctor. I do not know whether it is safe to reopen schools. I am as uncertain about the right course of action a
Appeals Court Blocks Use of Military Funds for Trump’s Wall
23by dianeravitch / 5d
Trump’s signature issue in 2016 was that he would build “a big, beautiful wall” across the 2,000 miles between the U.S. and Mexico. And Mexico would pay for it. Mexico did not pay for it, nor would Congress, so Trump declared a national emergency and took money from the military to build the wall. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that Trump cannot use military funds for this
CNN: Tech Billionaires Get Richer During Pandemic
22by dianeravitch / 5d
One effect of the pandemic was to shift even more of the world’s wealth to those at the very top. At the same time, millions are slipping into dire poverty. CNN Business reports: The wealth of the world’s billionaires reached a new record high in the middle of the pandemic as a rebound in tech stocks boosted the fortunes of the global elite . Billionaire wealth increased to $10.2 trillion at the
OCT 10
Trump, Sessions, and Miller Wanted to Separate Babies from Their Families
21by dianeravitch / 6d
The New York Times released this story recently , explaining the genesis of Trump’s inhumane policies at the southern border: WASHINGTON — The five U.S. attorneys along the border with Mexico, including three appointed by President Trump, recoiled in May 2018 against an order to prosecute all undocumented immigrants even if it meant separating children from their parents. They told top Justice De
NPE Action Endorses Candace Valenzuela for Congress in Texas
by dianeravitch / 6d
The Network for Public Education Action Fund is delighted to endorse Candace Valenzuela , who is running for Congress in District 24 in Texas. She was also endorsed by Emily’s List. This is Candace’s campaign video , where she thanks her teachers and her school for enabling her to overcome poverty. Candace Valenzuela for Texas House District 24 The Network for Public Education Action is pleased t
Jan Resseger: Why Are So Few Willing to Stand Up for Our Children?
44by dianeravitch / 6d
Jan Resseger writes here about the almost complete lack of leadership at the national level–and even at the state level–in protecting our children in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. The failure of Congress to agree on federal aid for cities and states is a glaring example of indifference to the health and well-being of children and families and teachers. The breakdown of negotiations between Na
Emily Oster: Schools Are Not Super-Speaders of COVID
20by dianeravitch / 6d
Emily Oster, an economist at Brown University, has been studying transmission rates at schools that reopen and concludes that they are very low. Writing in the Atlantic, she says that: It’s now October. We are starting to get an evidence-based picture of how school reopenings and remote learning are going (those photos of hallways don’t count), and the evidence is pointing in one direction. Schoo
Nebraska: Privatizers Swarm in Hopes of Capturing State That Treasures Public Schools
100+by dianeravitch / 6d
Nebraska is one of the few states that has thus far managed to keep the privatizers out. That makes it a tempting target. Here is a message by one of the state’s strong advocates for public schools. As you know, Stand For Schools is dedicated to advancing public education in Nebraska. Ou
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all