Mozert v. Hawkins County Public Schools (The Tale of the Troubling Textbook) - Part Four
Good Evening, I'm Pierce Lively...

The case centered around the question of whether the district violated the free exercise rights of a small group of fundamentalist parents when they refused to let their children opt out of reading from the same literature textbook as everyone else. The parents found the stories offensive – at least collectively. The textbook’s editors seemed to have intentionally woven a doctrine of tolerance for other cultures and faiths, a belief in imagination and questioning our own assumptions, and getting along with the rest of the world – heresies unacceptable to these devout.
In Part One I covered the origins of the case and the district court’s initial dismissal of CONTINUE READING: Mozert v. Hawkins County Public Schools (The Tale of the Troubling Textbook) - Part Four | Blue Cereal Education