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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Teachers Unions Look Like the Last Line of Defense… - In These Times

Teachers Unions Look Like the Last Line of Defense… - In These Times

Teachers Unions Look Like the Last Line of Defense in Trump’s “Reckless” School Reopening Crusade

As Amer­i­can fam­i­lies fret over a patch­work set of stan­dards for reopen­ing schools that vary wide­ly by city and state, teach­ers unions across the coun­try are denounc­ing the Trump administration’s approach to the issue as ill-advised, life-threat­en­ing and unjust. And they’re vow­ing to do some­thing about it.
Pres­i­dent Trump has demand­ed that schools reopen in the fall, and his edu­ca­tion sec­re­tary, Bet­sy Devos, has adopt­ed his posi­tion. But there has been lit­tle effort by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to pro­vide any of the gar­gan­tu­an resources that would be nec­es­sary to reopen schools in accor­dance with pub­lic health guidelines. 
In April, the Amer­i­can Fed­er­a­tion of Teach­ers (AFT) issued a lengthy plan for safe school reopen­ing, with stan­dards based on mea­sur­able declines in the preva­lence of Covid-19; test­ing, trac­ing, PPE, and pro­ce­dures for phys­i­cal dis­tanc­ing in schools; and com­mu­ni­ty invest­ments to enable schools to work in con­cert with pub­lic health measures. 
Three months lat­er, the coun­try is expe­ri­enc­ing boom­ing infec­tion rates and meet­ing none of the union’s sug­gest­ed stan­dards, but the admin­is­tra­tion seems deter­mined to reopen schools regard­less. If Don­ald Trump and Bet­sy Devos actu­al­ly lis­tened to what we were say­ing — we were try­ing to reopen schools so we could meet the needs of kids,” said AFT Pres­i­dent Ran­di Wein­garten. Instead, they decide to be all reckless.” 
Now, local and region­al teach­ers unions are engaged in fevered nego­ti­a­tions with school dis­tricts over reopen­ing plans. Results, pre­dictably, vary depend­ing on the local­i­ty. In Los Ange­les, the school dis­trict announced that it will begin the year with vir­tu­al instruc­tion only — a deci­sion made in con­sul­ta­tion with the Unit­ed Teach­ers of Los Ange­les (UTLA) union, which famous­ly went on strike in 2019 not just for bet­ter pay, but also for small­er class sizes and CONTINUE READING: Teachers Unions Look Like the Last Line of Defense… - In These Times