Opening Schools a Completely Crazy Idea
Shocking New Study Upends Any Notion of Opening Schools: Even Children Younger Than Five May Carry High Levels of the Coronavirus, up to 100 Times as Much as Adults.

According to an article in the Washington Post, Trump is quoted as saying on July 30:
“I do say again, young people are almost immune to this disease. The younger the better,” President Trump said Thursday during a White House briefing. “They’re stronger. They have a stronger immune system.”
These are not the words of a man with medical knowledge; they are the delusional pronouncements of a merchant of death.
Indeed, the CDC, which just a few days ago succumbed to the political pressure of the Trump White House and announced that schools were safe to open, has now, just a short time later, come to the inevitable recognition of what the scientific data reveals: “A new [CDC] report suggests that CONTINUE READING: Opening Schools a Completely Crazy Idea - LA Progressive