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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The “Schools Seattle Deserves” slate launches campaign for the Seattle Education Association union election! – I AM AN EDUCATOR

The “Schools Seattle Deserves” slate launches campaign for the Seattle Education Association union election! – I AM AN EDUCATOR

The “Schools Seattle Deserves” slate launches campaign for the Seattle Education Association union election!

I’m excited to announce that a powerful coalition of educators has come together to launch the “Schools Seattle Deserves” (SSD) slate of candidates in the Seattle Education Association union election that begins on Tuesday, April 21 and ends on April 30th.
I fully endorse this slate of candidates and urge all members of the SEA to vote in the election for these visionary education leaders. SSD is running on a three pillar platform that includes: Racial equity, fully-funded public schools, and the empowerment of members (see an outline of each of these issues in the press release below).
The SSD is holding an important press conference via Zoom on Tuesday, April 21st 2020 at 4:00 PM Pacific Time that I encourage everyone to join and hear directly from the members of the slate themselves (more details on joining the press conference below).
This coalition is made up of candidates from the Social Equity Educators (SEE, the organization that I have organized with for a long time), Ethnic Studies Advisory Group, Racial Equity Teams, Black Lives Matter at School Advisory Board, Bargaining for the Common Good, Sound Housing Alliance and SEA members from Building Leadership Teams across the District.
Three social justice warriors that I have worked with for a long time are running for the officer positions, along with a powerful group of educators running for positions on the executive board. Jon Greenberg is running for president of the SEA, Vallerie Fisher is running for treasurer, and Marquita Prinzing for CONTINUE READING: The “Schools Seattle Deserves” slate launches campaign for the Seattle Education Association union election! – I AM AN EDUCATOR