Indianapolis: Home of America’s Second Most Privatized School System
By Thomas Ultican 4/27/2020
With the introduction of Innovation schools in 2015, Indianapolis Public Schools quickly became the second most privatized taxpayer supported schools system in America. It has zoomed past Detroit and Washington DC in the privatization sweepstakes to only trail the poster child for disaster capitalism, New Orleans. The right wing billionaire funded organization, The Mind Trust, has played a major role in this outcome.

The Mind Trust CEO Brandon Brown Enjoys Flood of Billionaire Dollars
Nations 2nd Most Privatized
How terms and principles are defined is crucial. For example, Stephanie Wang of Chalkbeat paraphrases The Mind Trust CEO, Brandon Brown as saying, “There has never been a civil rights movement that hasn’t been led by the people most directly affected by the work.” Brown often couches his work in terms of fighting for civil rights, but is stripping minority communities of their democratic right to a voice in the operation of neighborhood schools really fighting for civil rights?
Professor Noliwe Rooks labels the business of profiting from high levels of racial CONTINUE READING: Indianapolis: Home of America’s Second Most Privatized School System | tultican