How covid-19 has laid bare the vast inequities in U.S. public education
This post examines how that looks in the era of the pandemic and how we might look at things differently when schools reopen, which they will — eventually.
This was written by Jack Schneider, a scholar of education history and policy at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell and the author of several books, including “Beyond Test Scores.” He is also the co-host of an education podcast called “Have You Heard” with Jennifer Berkshire.
By Jack Schneider
For the past generation, we have been talking about the achievement gap in American public education — the fact that low income students and students from historically marginalized racial groups, on average, score lower than their more privileged peers. Chiefly, this matter has been treated as a problem with the schools. CONTINUE READING: How covid-19 has laid bare inequities in public education - The Washington Post