Supreme Court Case May Open Door to Vouchers Nationwide
Betsy DeVos’ unwavering support of private school vouchers long precedes her tenure as U.S. Education Secretary. Despite being supported by the resources and influence of the federal government, however, DeVos’ efforts to expand vouchers legislatively have been stymied by lack of support in Congress (even when the GOP held majorities in both houses) and stubborn public opposition. American voters have rejected programs that transfer scarce taxpayer dollars away from public schools to pay for private school tuition.
For champions of school privatization, there is too much at stake, too much money invested in the school privatization agenda to wave the white flag. Which is why the push to expand vouchers is also being waged in the courts.

“Taxpayers and voters have made it overwhelmingly clear that they do not want vouchers, rejecting them time and time again,” said NEA President Lily Eskselsen García. “Betsy DeVos and her allies are using the Supreme Court to push their political agenda that seeks to dismantle our neighborhood public schools.”
Through a series of legal actions, the Institute for Justice (IJ) – whose funders have included the Koch Brothers and the DeVos Family Foundation – have targeted provisions in state constitutions that forbid public money being used for religious purposes, including private religious schools.
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court will be hearing arguments on whether these provisions violate the U.S. Constitution. A decision in IJ’s favor in Espinoza v Montana Department of Revenue could undermine constitutional provisions in 37 CONTINUE READING: Supreme Court Case May Open Door to Vouchers Nationwide