Is Inspire Charter Schools the Next A3 Education?
By Thomas Ultican 10/9/2019
Inspire Charter School mirrors the methods of A3 Education. It employs practices strikingly similar to those that led to May’s 67-count indictment against A3’s leaders. Furthermore, the California Charter School Association (CCSA) took the same unusual step of sharing concerns about Inspire and A3 with California authorities. They are virtual schools that concentrate on obtaining authorization from small school districts. These systems have a similar structure in which a central organization controls the schools that are contracting with it and they transfer funds among multiple organizations making it difficult to monitor their activities. Students at both Inspire and A3 struggle academically.

The First Inspire Charter School Opened in 2014
The Acton-Aqua Dulce Unified School District is infamous for authorizing suspect charter applications while not having the resources to adequately monitor those schools. It has 1085 public school students and 14,734 charter school students. Acton-Aqua Dulce authorized Inspire’s first charter school which was located in Los Angeles County. Strangely, Inspire Charter grew from 151 students in the 2014-15 school year to 4,321 students in the 2018-19 school year and then closed up shop this June 30th.
Founder Nick Nichols needed a program that would service his target audience of home school students. The Inspire 2016 tax form shows that he purchased CONTINUE READING: Is Inspire Charter Schools the Next A3 Education? | tultican
Big Education Ape: #AnotherDayAnotherCharterScandal HOW BAD DO YOU HAVE TO BE: Calls mount for investigation of Inspire charter schools - The San Diego Union-Tribune -