Big Brother, Blockchain Babies, Coded Religion, and “Good” Behavior

I wrapped up my previous post (SEE BELOW) about the blockchain social impact platform noting that digital identity is THE KEY element required to make speculative markets in human capital data function. The game of gambling on life outcomes requires:
1) unique personal identifiers
2) predictive analytics protocols to set the odds
3) constant monitoring of those receiving services, including inputs and outputs
4) fluid cross-border payment systems tied to real-time data flows, and
5) data aggregation and deal fulfillment platforms.
If you don’t have the first item, the unique identifier, the game cannot even start. That is why developing scalable digital identity systems is crucial. Ironically, much of the discussion we are having now around data privacy, including GDPR, is being used to advance the case for digital identity. Once adopted it will be a sea change. At that point each person will be transformed into a digitally-branded commodity available for speculative trade (based on social/reputation scoring) in the global marketplace. That is the reality of what is being built right before our eyes, and yet so few people see it for what it is.
Below are some of the sixty members of the Decentralized Identity CONTINUE READING:
Alice & Automated Poverty Management

At the end of my previous post I introduced, an Ethereum Blockchain software platform investors developed to automate payments to “charitable” projects that prove “measurable impact.”

The platform employs a “pay for results” structure, an approach adopted by numerous governments including ones in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia. After years of data-driven austerity, it is becoming more and more acceptable for public services to be outsourced to non-profit and faith-based partners. Reimbursement for services can then be tied to outcomes-based government contracts, an arrangement that has garnered support from both progressive and conservative quarters.
To get the data required to run their human capital, life-outcomes gambling enterprise, financiers intend to digitally engineer the lives of the CONTINUE READING: Alice & Automated Poverty Management
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