Sketchy Epic Cyber Charter Has Gone National
By T. Ultican 5/4/2019
Epic is the business name for Oklahoma’s indigenous and fastest growing virtual charter school chain. In 2015, they moved beyond Oklahoma opening a business in Orange County, California and are currently in contract talks with Pulaski County, Arkansas to provide online education. EPIC’s fast growth has been accompanied by continuous legal problems, charges of political improprieties and claims of unethical aggressive marketing.
The Founders
Ben Harris and David Chaney, two long time friends from Oklahoma City, founded Epic.

The Founders of EPIC Virtual Charter Schools
In 1999, One year after Harris was awarded a Master of Public Administration from Syracuse University, he and Chaney founded Advanced Academics Inc.Today Pearson Corporation the large British testing and publishing company owns Advanced Academics which sells credit recovery courses and software for virtual classes.
Both Harris and Chaney went to work for Jeb Bush in 2003 at the Florida Department of Children and Families. Harris was soon made the Deputy Secretary in charge of technology. He worked under Secretary Jerry Regier who had previously run health and human services in Oklahoma. It was here that Harris made a name for himself by privatizing the child welfare system. However, all was not well.
Megan Rolland of the Tulsa World reported,
“In July 2004, a whistle-blower investigation revealed that Harris had accepted trips, dinners and other favors from companies looking to contract with the social services agency.
“Harris resigned and a full criminal investigation conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement began. No charges were filed.
“The investigation did find that both Harris and Chaney were involved in CONTINUE READING: Sketchy Epic Cyber Charter Has Gone National | tultican