Betsy DeVos rewrites the definition of “public schools” to suit her own Christian Dominionist ideology

One of those “returns on [their] investment” was being anointed as the United States Secretary of Education. Once elevated to that lofty position, she has risen to the maximum level of influence possible in the realm of education. And she clearly plans to exert that influence.
This week, during an appearance at the Education Writers Association annual conference, DeVos literally redefined the meaning of the phrase “public education”:
“Let’s stop and rethink the definition of public education,” she said. “Today, it’s often defined as one type of school, funded by taxpayers, controlled by government. But if every student is part of ‘the public,’ then every way and every place a student learns is ultimately of benefit to ‘the public.’ That should be the new definition of public education.“
This is quite clearly a statement that DeVos wants to do nationally what she has failed to do twice CONTINUE READING: Betsy DeVos rewrites the definition of "public schools" to suit her own Christian Dominionist ideology | Eclectablog