“Money Follows the Student” is Voucher Funding
The concept behind Voucher Funding is being stated simply as “Money Follows the Student.” But that is a phrase — like “No Child Left Behind” — that carries with it an instant emotional appeal and creates a barrier to debate.
Think about it. Who will openly object to not leaving children behind? Why would anyone disagree with the idea that funding should focus on students? It should, but it should do so without causing harm.
Using Language to Produce Political Conformity
Across the nation funding formulas are being called “out dated” or “antiquated.” Lawmakers and taxpayers are being sold on “new” and “innovative” ideas. Sound familiar?
“School Choice” has appeal. …
“People like the idea of choice,” says Reverend Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
But …
Americans hold firm against allowing public tax dollars to fund private schools. Source: Vouchers, School Privatization, and the Threat to Public Education
Americans do want to increase funding for public schools. But public tax dollars are inadvertently being used for privatization purposes through new modernized funding formulas.
“Money Follows the Student” masks the fact that enrollment based student centered funding formulas are a Voucher Funding scheme.

This is what U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has to say about the public system she openly defames while traveling the country to promote her Federal School Choice Agenda.
And now, the language of political conformity is being used to promote Voucher Funding by coupling the words “funding follows the child” with the concept of education as a CONTINUE READING: “Money Follows the Student” is Voucher Funding | The Crucial Voice of the PeopleThe Crucial Voice of the People