Betsy DeVos’
No Good, Very Bad Record on Public Education
Betsy DeVos’ Actions Speak Volumes
As President Donald Trump’s secretary of education, Betsy DeVos has worked to subvert public education. She has promoted the privatization of public schools through vouchers, called for deep cuts to federal funding, rolled back protections for vulnerable children, and shilled for the for-profit college industry that has defrauded countless students.
Scroll down through this timeline to see what Betsy DeVos has done as education secretary. Each moment shows how she’s been a disastrous choice, just as public school supporters knew she would be.

(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
CONTINUE READING: Betsy DeVos' Actions Speak Volumes - Education Votes

Betsy DeVos and her family spend millionspromoting education privatization schemes.Long before she is Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos uses her family’s wealth to privatize public schools. She funds politicians who support voucher schemes. She chairs the pro-voucher American Federation for Children. In her home state of Michigan, DeVos is “one of the architects of Detroit’s charter school system,” one that downplays regulation and accountability while draining resources from public schools. Even some privatization advocates have described it as “one of the biggest school reform disasters in the country.”
November 2016

Educators denounce Trump’s nomination of Betsy DeVos. Elementary teacher and NEA president Lily Eskelsen García says DeVos will be “the first secretary of education with zero experience with public schools. She has never worked in a public school. She has never been a teacher, a school administrator, nor served on any public board of education. She didn’t even attend public schools or send her children to public schools. She is out of her league when it comes to knowing and doing what works for public school students.”
CONTINUE READING: Betsy DeVos' Actions Speak Volumes - Education Votes