The Myth of the Super TFA Teacher is Crushed by TFA’s Own Research
A study conducted in Texas with the cooperation of Teach for America claims to pretend that TFA teachers are more effective than their peers. We’ve all heard this claim before, including from frauds like Michelle Rhee, who made up fables about her mythical and fantastic successes during her three years as a TFA newbie in Baltimore.
However, the facts and tables in the report itself shows exactly the opposite, at least for TFA members who are in their first two years (and for many of them, their only two years) in the classroom.
For example, look at the following tables, which I cut and pasted from the report:

Notice what the data is saying in the first four bar graphs above. Dark blue means that the students of that group of TFA teachers were significantly more likely to pass the STAAR test than the students of other, matched, non-TFA teachers. Black means that CONTINUE READING: The Myth of the Super TFA Teacher is Crushed by TFA’s Own Research | GFBrandenburg's Blog