Illinois State Representative Jeanne Ives hates teachers and our union.

-By John Dillon at Pension Vocabulary.
The 72-45 vote to hike the income tax in Illinois included 15 downstate Republicans who have had enough of punishing the marginalized and sabotaging the universities in Illinois. They began thinking of the long=term impact.
Rauner later threatened a veto, complaining that there should be no additional funds taken from the people if the legislators have not done their jobs. That would be – swallowing his non-financial, turnaround agenda.
Representative Jeanne Ives was one of 35 Republican House members who stood behind Rauner and his (their) refusal to raise any income tax whatsoever.
Emotions ran high in the Capitol, that’s for sure. Even one of the gentleman class of Naperville – Representative Wehrli – flung a disdainful epithet at Madigan just the afternoon before: “Speaker Junk.”
“Pistols at dawn, sir.”
But you couldn’t really have expected Representative Ives to have voted any differently. Representative Ives is often tagged or favorably noted by the Illinois Policy Institute in its press and publications (see Compass), and is often also provided column space in the Chicago Tribune along with other I.P.I. notables like Diana Sroka Rickert.
The Illinois Policy Institute is a “liberty-based,” free-market think tank which bills itself as non-partisan while accepting money from Governor Bruce Rauner and espousing Illinois State Representative Jeanne Ives hates teachers and our union. | Fred Klonsky: