We have become too Permissive, not Progressive.

Defined as granting or inclined to grant permission as in permissive parents; characterized by freedom of personal behavior or a disregard of social mores, the term was heavily used to describe the parenting practices of my generation of baby boomers. It was sparked by the changes of the 1960s and a revolt against the practices of their far stricter parents. As in every decision in life, there were intended and unintended consequences to this generational decision. Were the consequences of the acceptability of permissiveness the far-reaching social, economic, and political issues we face today in our wild and wacky society?
I am a proud independent, anti-authoritarian, libertarian, liberal and moderate progressive. (If you know me, pick your own label.) But folks, somehow we got things totally screwed up. I know what I am about to go on record saying may piss off a bunch of you but tough shit. See, I already did, but made George Carlin Proud.
Speaking of my comic hero, why is it that the most anti-authoritarian, independent, libertarian, liberal, progressives in our country today are comics We have become too Permissive, not Progressive. | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing: