U.S. Rep. Russell’s Waste Watch report a ‘publicity stunt’

Congressman Steve Russell’s latest Waste Watch “report” proves the timeless maxim: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
In reviewing the June installment of Russell’s newsletter, News 9 emphasized and The Oklahoman championed Russell (R-Oklahoma) for his partially true criticism of the Obama administration’s school-improvement grant program (SIG). (Also, who would have thought the Veterans Administration exhibits wasteful habits?)
But it was the federal government itself that had already revealed both of those shortcomings, and the Office of the Inspector General offered recommendations for fixing the errors of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Maybe because veterans’ issues are important to Russell, he judiciously concluded his report thus: “It is important that VBA follow these recommendations.”
Russell also claims to have found about $74 billion in wasted taxpayer money during the past 17 years. For instance, U.S. taxpayers provided $30.6 billion in Pell grants to 8.3 million students. Guess what the government had to spend in administrative costs?
Five bucks per student!
Waste Watch report lacks objectivity
One would think that an objective report would have praised such low overhead. Follow the footnotes in Russell’s 15-page report, however, and it is clear that government U.S. Rep. Russell's Waste Watch report a 'publicity stunt' - NonDoc: