Wisconsin: “They” Did It!

How long has it been? How long have I been writing about Wisconsin’s war on the teaching profession and the ridiculous notion that we have a “teacher shortage?” Rhetorical I know.
Well today “they” did it. “They” opened the door to deprofesssionalization and authorized the use of emergency licenses to address the “shortage” and placed our most vulnerable children in a defenseless position.
Instead of truly addressing the EXODUS of teachers and the miserable conditions driving teachers out of the profession “they” simply created a pathway into our classrooms for unlicensed and unqualified personnel.
Of course “they” won’t admit this. In fact, “they” already have “talking points” in case someone dare question the integrity of devaluing the teaching profession.
Now let’s be very clear about how these emergency license rules will really play out in schools across the state.
- The most qualified teachers will end up in the most affluent areas.
- Emergency licensed teachers will end up in high poverty areas.
- School districts with money will hire licensed teachers and require specialized licenses for teachers in fields such as special education.
- School districts without money will hire emergency certified people and use the Wisconsin: "They" Did It! | BustED Pencils: